80 % stone occur in the men.but both sex have chance of developing kidney stones.
kidney stones may be silent and asymptomatic for many days.when the sufferer is going for scaning for some other complaint then he is found that,stone in the kidney.
when there is stone in the kidney : it gives dull pain in the back or loin which is worse when he is trying to move.it is bearable and the patient things that it is a back pain due to arthrirtis in the initial days.
stone in the bladder :
makes more urging desire to pass the urine.
pain full urine will be there.
hematuria (bloody urine) may occur
urinary tract infection
and urinary tract obstruction (hydronephrosis) is common in kidney stone.
and urinary tract obstruction (hydronephrosis) is common in kidney stone.
different types of stone according to the composition of the stone
calcium stone
cystine stone
uric acid stone
struvate stone
who will have the chance of stone formation ?.
who will have the chance of stone formation ?.
1.blockage / obstruction of the urinary tract is makes the stone formation like prostate enlargement.
2.commonly every one knows that dehydration makes the stone formation such us person working in direcd sun or the person sweat a lot due to physical strain.
3.Excessive mineral salts passing through the kidney,like calcium or phosphorus or oxalate or citrate.
4.Recurrent urinary tract infection makes the stone formation (struvite or infection stone)
5.Those who are affected with gout .
6.medullary sponge kidney-(kidney disease from the birth there is cystic dilatation of the one or both tubles).sometime it may be multi factorial.those affected with medullary sponge kidney has high chance of kidney stone and urinary tract infection as well chronic kidney pain).
8.low urine ph-acidic urine favors the uric acid acid stone.
9.increased fruits intake may favors a oxalate stone formation.
10.high usage of refined sugar , fructose produce the stones.
11. people consume high animal protein is having high chance of stone formation.
12.people those who are having chrons disease
13. renal tubular acidosis.
14.cystic kidney diseases
-x ray : ray KUB(kidney ureter bladder)
-ultrasound abdomen or
-ct abdomen.
how to prevent the stone formation?.
Drinking adequate water,avoiding dehydration prevent the stone formation.
strong family h/o stone formation in the family makes the recurrent stone formation.
eating some specific food repeatedly makes the stone favors the stone formation.
working under direct sunlight or near heat makes more dehydration makes recurrent stone formation.
in some condition the stone formation not direct it is secondary to some underlying disease condition hence
identifying and curing those disease is helpful in controlling the stone.
cola and taking block tea should be less.
potassium and magnesium reduces the stone formation.
homeopathic medicines prevent the stone formation even in familial tendency and its helpful in dissolving the stone.homeopathic medicines arrests the bleeding and pain and infection due to stones.
surgery: when the stone is too big especially stoghorn type stones surgery is most valuable.
ESWL -extra corporeal shock wave lithotripsy is the most frequently used procedure.
Urinary Tract Infection(UTI)
infection of the urinary tract.(infection may be of bladder (cystitis) or ureter or kidney (pylonephritis)
1.common bacteria affects the urinary tract is E.coli.other less common organisms staphylococcus,psudomonus,enterobactor,klebsiella.
2.severe burning pain while passing urine.frequent urination.blood in the urine.pus urine.fever with chills are very common symptom of the urinary tract infection.
pyelonephritis-pain in the flank with fever and vomiting.
3.in majority of the time children's will have only fever lack other urinary tract symptoms,so the diagnosis is delayed.still more in elderly only the weakness is the symptoms or urinary incontinence is there.by the time when patient attend and seek the medicine the infection is full blown with complication.
4.urinary tract infection is more common in females then males due to short urethra.
5.recurrent infection of the bladder may be the familial tendency (rare).
6.diabetes is the predisposing factor for uti.cauterization makes more bacterial infection.prostate enlargement,stone in the urinary tract makes recurrent urinary tract infection.
7.pus cells in the urine,urine culture,blood culture,will reveal the bacterial infection.
8.how to prevent the urinary tract infection.
adequate fluid intake.
regular emptying of the bladder (passing urine)
each time make sure that the complete bladder emptying.
emptying the bladder before and after intercourse.
make hygienic toilet hobbit.
Prostate enlargement
prostate gland is the wall nut size gland located below the urinary bladder.the upper urethral portion is completely surrounded by prostate gland.the gland is the part of male reproductive system.
prostate gland secretes the prostaticfluid which helps in lubrication as well helps in the volume of the semen.and also do a minimal part in reducing the vaginal ph during the intercourse.
prostate gland growth is basically happens in two times second growth is starts in the 45 to 50s.prostate gland enlargement is the part of normal aging process in simple case it is not a disease.but it has the significance since it obstruct the normal urine flow and may turn into cancer (not always).
when the prostate enlargement is started it gives the trouble like when a man trying to pass urine he has to wait long time,the flow automatically stops and then starts the stream is weak.frequent urination will be there.
especially frequency is more in the night.sleep disturbance is very common in the prostate enlargement.
another trouble is he has to go the toilet immediately (urgency) or else the urine will dribbling before reaching the toilet.
Recurrent urinary tract infection is the complication , obstruction of the urine,chronic urinary retention may go unnoticed,gradual increase in volume of the urine remains in the bladder after micturation & cancer all are complications of the prostate enlargement.
PSA--prostate specific enzyme is the tumour marker of the prostate gland.elevated in many fold in prostate cancer.prostate cancer may occur even without elevation of the PSA.
Homeopathic medicine helps in controlling excessive growth as well prevent the complications.
Chronic Prostatic pain syndrome;
pelvic or perineal pain without urinary tract infection.
1.pain in the testis,perinum,tip of the penis radiates to rectum and back.constant burning pain in the penis,pain may be felt in lower abdomen with burning urination.
2.arthralgia,mayalgia and unexplained fatigue may be present,pain during seman release .
Recurrent urinary tract infection is the complication , obstruction of the urine,chronic urinary retention may go unnoticed,gradual increase in volume of the urine remains in the bladder after micturation & cancer all are complications of the prostate enlargement.
PSA--prostate specific enzyme is the tumour marker of the prostate gland.elevated in many fold in prostate cancer.prostate cancer may occur even without elevation of the PSA.
Homeopathic medicine helps in controlling excessive growth as well prevent the complications.
Chronic Prostatic pain syndrome;
pelvic or perineal pain without urinary tract infection.
1.pain in the testis,perinum,tip of the penis radiates to rectum and back.constant burning pain in the penis,pain may be felt in lower abdomen with burning urination.
2.arthralgia,mayalgia and unexplained fatigue may be present,pain during seman release .
Protenuria / Albuminurea
உடலின் ஒவ்வொரு செல் உருவாக்கத்திற்கும் புரதம் என்பது அவசியம்.
புரதம் நம்முடைய அன்றாட உணவில் தேவையான அளவு சேர்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்,பால்,முட்டை ,பருப்பு வகைகள்,மீன் ,இறைச்சி போன்ற உணவில் புரதம் அதிகம் உள்ளது.
இரத்தத்தில் புரதம் ஆல்புமின்,குலோபுளின்,பைபெரினொஜன் என்ற மூன்று வகைகளில் உள்ளது.
உடலில் உள்ள தேவையற்ற கழிவுகள் இரத்தத்தில் கலந்து அவை சிறுநீரகத்தின் வழி வெளியேற்ற படுகிறது ஆனால் புரதம் அவ்வாறு வெளியேற்றபடுவதில்லை.
ஆனாலும் சிறுநீரகம் பாதிப்படைந்த நிலையில் அல்லது வேறு சில நோய்களில் புரதம் வெளியேறும்.புரதம் சிறுநீரில் வெளியேறுவதைகொண்டு சில வகை நோய்களை கண்டறிய முடியும்.
தேவைக்கு அதிகமாக புரதத்தினை எடுத்துகொள்ளும்போது அது சிறுநீரில் வெளியேறிவிடும்,உடற்பயிற்சியின்போதும்,காய்ச்சலின்போதும் புரதம் சிறுநீரில் வெளியேறும்.
-சிறுநீரகத்தில் ஏற்படும் பல்வேறு நோய்கள்
-சர்க்கரை நோய்
-இரத்த அழுத்தம்
போன்ற நோய்களிலும்
-சில வகை இரத்த புற்று நோய்
போன்ற நோய்களிலும் புரதம் சிறுநீரில் வெளியேறும்.
ஹோமியோபதி மருந்துகள் மூலம் புரதம் வெளியேறுவதை முழுவதும் கட்டுபடுத்த முடியும்
kidney filters the protein in the blood by glomerulai and then reabsorb the filtered protein.
protein appear in the urine in normal as well as diseased condition.
Physiological proteinuria--exercise induce the protenuria and excessive protein intake cause protenuria.
protein appear in the urine in the following disease condition;
1.nephrotic syndrome
2.diabetic nephropathy
3.glomerular disease of the kidney
5.systemic lupus erythmatosis
7.multible myeloma
1.nephrotic syndrome
2.diabetic nephropathy
3.glomerular disease of the kidney
5.systemic lupus erythmatosis
7.multible myeloma
Special proetein passes through urine (Bence Jones Protein).
chronic lymphocystic leukemia
multiple myeloma
lab test interpretation;
albumin trace in the urine (5-20 mg protein/dl urine)
1+ (30 mg/dl)
2+ (100 mg/dl)
3+ (300mg/dl)
4+ (more then 4000 mg/dl)
homeopathic medicine helps in repair the damaged kidney and reduces the albuminuria.
prostate cancer
- ப்ரோஸ்டேட் சுரப்பியில் ஏற்படும் புற்று நோய்,ஆண்களுக்கு ஏற்ப்படும் புற்று நோயில் 70 % இந்த சுரப்யில் ஏற்படுகிறது. 45 வயதிற்கு மேல் உள்ள ஆண்களுக்கு வயது அதிகரிக்க அதிகரிக்க ப்ரோஸ்டேட் புற்று நோய் வர வாய்ப்புஉள்ளது.80 வயதில் இறந்து போனவர்களில் பெரும்பன்மையனவர்கள் மற்ற காரணங்களால் இறந்து இருக்கிறார்கள் என அனைவரும் நினைத்து இருக்க போஸ்ட் மோர்டம் (post mortam) ரிப்போர்ட் அவர்களில் பெரும்பன்மையனவர்கள் ப்ரோஸ்டேட் புற்று நோயால் பதிபடைநதிருக்கிரர்கள் என கண்டறிந்துஇருக்கிறது.
- இந்த சுரபியில் ஏற்படும் புற்று நோய் பாதிப்புகள் சாதாரண ப்ரோஸ்டேட் வீக்கத்தில் உள்ள அணைத்து அறிகுறிகளும் காணப்படும்.சிறுநீர் கழிப்பதில் சிரமம்,இரத்தம் கலந்த சிறுநீர்.சிருநீர்பதை அடைப்பு.பிறப்புறுப்பை சுற்றி வலி ஏற்ப்படும்
- இந்த நோய் பாதிப்பை உறுதி செய்ய PSA test மற்றும் ct ஸ்கேன் மேலும் திசுபெருக்கியின் உதவியின் மூலம் கண்டறியலாம்,மேலும் எலும்புகள் வரை பரவிய புற்று நோயே isotopebone ஸ்கேன் மூலம் கண்டறியலாம்.
- அறுவை சிகிச்சைமற்றும் ரேடியோ தெரபி ப்ரோஸ்டேட் புற்று நோய்க்கு சரியான தீர்வு.இந்த சிகிச்சை முறைகளுடன் ஓமியோபதி மருந்துகளும் கொடுத்துவர நோயாளர் விரைவில் குணமடைவர்.
1. Major function of the kidney is maintaining the body fluid volume and its constitution (minerals,chemicals)
micro filters of the minerals and reabsorbing of the selective minerals.
helps in red blood cell formation only in hypoxia like when climbing high altitude.
helps in vitamin D activation
increases the bp only when the extreme low fluid incoming to kidney or very low bp inside the kidney.
2.kidney failure-failure of the excretory function,leading to retention of the nitrogenous waste products of end result of metabolism.and simultaneous failure of the other functions,like maintenance of the fluid and electrolyte balance endocrine function (regulation of rbc production,bp control).
3.Broad classification of the kidney failure is Acute and Chronic kidney failures.
1. Major function of the kidney is maintaining the body fluid volume and its constitution (minerals,chemicals)
micro filters of the minerals and reabsorbing of the selective minerals.
helps in red blood cell formation only in hypoxia like when climbing high altitude.
helps in vitamin D activation
increases the bp only when the extreme low fluid incoming to kidney or very low bp inside the kidney.
2.kidney failure-failure of the excretory function,leading to retention of the nitrogenous waste products of end result of metabolism.and simultaneous failure of the other functions,like maintenance of the fluid and electrolyte balance endocrine function (regulation of rbc production,bp control).
3.Broad classification of the kidney failure is Acute and Chronic kidney failures.
4.Acute Renal Failure(ARF)-sudden and usually reversible loss of renal function.serum creatinine level raises to high level.low urine output.
Causes of acute kidney failure
very low blood flow to the kidney--like burns,dehydration,hemorrhage,shock,,,etc
diseases that damage the kidney--like nephrotic syndrome,septic shock,acute pylonephritis,
others--malignant hypertension,thrombocytopenic purpura,transfusion reaction,pregnancy complication placenta abruptio,placenta bravia.
DRUGS--intake of medicines which is harmful to the kidney.
-serum urea ,creatinine levels will be raised.
-serum sodium,potassium,bicarbonate level
-complete urine analysis
-ultra sound abdomen or ct scan will confirm the diagnosis
-kidney biopsy
Chronic Kidney Failure
Cause for CKD
poorly controlled diabetes
poorly controlled hypertension
chronic glomerulonephritis disases
kidney stone-- rare cases due to long standing obstruction of the large stone in the pelvic junction so the kidney become dilated due to this accumulation of the fluid --hydro nephrosis.
prostate diseases
poly cystic kidney disease --late complication--major portion of the functional units of the kidney become replaced by a cysts.
Symptoms of renal failure
swelling in the foot and legs earlier and then all over the body.
pain in the flank
excessive urination in the night (early symptoms),then low volume urine and then complete absence of the urine.
git--nausea,vomiting,reduced appetite,persistent hiccough.
bleeding,easy bruising.
change in the mental status and stupor.
high blood pressure.
irregular heart action and congestive cardiac failure
Management of acute kidney failure includes
1.maintaining fluid balance:urine out put and intake of total fluid.
2.keeping normal potassium Laval:chance of high potassium level is possible so keeping k is normal.
3.sodium (salt intake) low < 2 gms /day
4.maintaining urine ph chance of acidosis high in kidney failure.
5.limit the protein intake.
6.Dialysis is indicated when
bun > 100 mgm
creatinine > 10
uncontrollable uraemic symptoms
uncontrollable internal bleeding
hyper potassium level more > 6
high water retension
7.Homeopathic medicines are most helpful in restoring the kidney function to normal.
management of chronic renal failure
involuntary leakage of the urine while coughing,laughing,straining,lifting something,,,.sometime leakage will happen before reaching the toilet.this involuntary leakage of urine due to either weakness in the bladder muscle or weakness in the sphincter or weakness in the pelvic muscles,
sometimes this leakage happen due to excessive collection of urine like diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipides,
enlarged prostate is the cause for leakage in the men.
homeopathic medicines strengthen the bladder muscles and spincter muscles, so the urine holding power of the bladder regained well.
there are specific medicine to handle the underlying the disaseas conditions like diabetes,prostate enlargement